We’re All In This Together — Caring and Cooperation Amid Crisis

As I write this, the government warns that we’re about to enter the darkest days of the pandemic and, although I can’t be with you in the lanes, I wanted to let you know I’m there with you in spirit, thoughts, and prayers. I long for the regular routines and the return to everyday life.

Believe me, social distancing is not what I expected to do during my term as NAAA President. I truly miss visiting our member auctions.

This past month, after each weekly teleconferencing task force with industry leaders, I’ve been filled with pride about who we are, what we stand for, and how despite our competition, we don’t hesitate to band together in an emergency for the good of all. They exemplify the core values we all share of respect, understanding, and cooperation.

I’m inspired by everyone’s commitment to assist their employees, customers, industry, and most of all, colleagues and fellow NAAA members, in this time of crisis. That’s why we’ve survived through the decades, both good and bad.

Teamwork is our backbone. Resiliency is our strength. We persevere, adjust, adapt, and endure.

I take heart in those qualities of character. They give me hope which I share with you. I anxiously anticipate the day I can warmly greet you with the joy that we are once again permitted to join in fellowship. I look forward to our time together in Dallas.

In the meantime, we are preparing for some assistance in answering questions and providing guidance on the relief being offered from the CARES Act.

Until better days, may you, your family, friends, and auction team stay safe and healthy. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can be of any assistance to you.

Thank you for your resilience, caring, and for being a constant in a time of rapid change.

Laura Taylor, President
National Auto Auction Association

NAAA Posted 4/1/2020